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Automated Lead Generation

November 30th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Automated Lead Generation

I am always amazed at how quickly things change in this world of technology we live Lately I've thought about all these programs lead generation can bind to and if maybe they are about to go the way of the dinosaurs. I can not believe people in this type of home business do everything right and if I do not think it will be much longer.

I guess the question for me is why we need a lead capture page (or video from YouTube) to boast of how to generate potential customers? Then I have to advertise on the network in hopes of attracting a poor deluded soul simply because they become bored quite gullible and a day to fill your name and email and to trust me. So I guess the idea is that raised me and my automated system. Why? So I can teach people to death-mail extolling the virtues of our automated lead generation and how it works for us to generate ME 100 head week and make us rich.

Only one problem with a program to encourage the generation of potential customers.

What if my new sign are going to watch the news? There have been many stories lately in the social network marketing.

And if he learns that the book was about face 150,000,000 users or My Space About 240,000,000 at last count. Then Friendsters, Direct Matches, Twitter … the list is long.

So what if he finds out you can open a free account and create a profile or in My Space or Face Book (or elsewhere), and even links to the right place of business in their home page.

What if he could learn about each other just by looking at your profile?

Then there is the possibility that they could only find a way to add friends to your friends list to 30 or 40 a day. All they have to do is punch in the kind of people you want to add the search bar and thousands bang at your fingertips with just a click away. So, of course, your friends will be friends who want to add for May. Suddenly, your list is growing every day.

Then, of course, simply to observe May as chat at the bottom of the page. Oh my God all my friends are online now it discovers. And if initiates a conversation with them and starts talking about his business and hers alone.

Suddenly, he can not guess who may want to consult the business and focus their efforts. You can even go to the profile of your friends and see the business they have or lack of one. Talk to you may want to steer or not the target!

Ok only I am a comedian here. My point is obvious, or at least should be it.

Why do I need a system insensitive to generate leads for me when I have millions on Facebook or MySpace, which I can really see what they do before I never talk about my business, even to them.

For me and for many it is only a very superior to bring people to your home business. No doubt some people will not like to read this and say that his thought is most likely obsolete. I they need a new business, because the cables are no longer simply a problem. At least for me. I hope you can see the writing on the wall.

Anyone who thinks that the social network marketing business does not work for is nonsense and I hope I have explained why.

Home business success tips or if you need a great home business go to http://ezmakedollars.blogspot.com

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